Version History
May, 2024-Colasoft nChronos v6.4.0
New Features:
- Support extraction and push of protocol metadata.
- Enable calling third-party shared object (so) libraries during transaction decoding.
- Support transaction parsing for Mongo and PostgreSQL databases.
- SMTP configuration supports Oauth2.0 authentication.
- Enable import and export of virtual interface configurations.
- Add a status column in the interface configuration list to indicate the status of each interface.
- Support specifying the direction of the physical address when creating a physical address virtual interface.
- Add two new transmission medium types, Raw IP and Linux cooked capture, in interface configuration.
- Add DSCP statistics table in MAC sub-link analysis.
- Add "IP version" field in the statistics tables for service ports, IP sessions, TCP sessions, and UDP sessions.
- Add RTT and delay metrics in the DSCP statistics table.
- Support the identification and parsing of MSRDP_OVER_SSL, ISIS, and GMTLS protocols.
- Optimize the triggering conditions for physical loops and routing loops.
- Allow configuration of virtual interfaces with the same VLAN with different MAC addresses.
- Enhance SDL transaction configuration capability, with support for wildcard paths in XML and JSON value retrieval.
Bugs Fixed:
- Correct the problem of incorrect identification of multi-layer protocols.
Nov, 2022-Colasoft nChronos v6.3.1
New Features:
- Support RedHat 8.6 operating system environment.
- Support for selecting custom protocols in IP access exception alerts.
- Support custom field storage in the nChronos statistics table [Phase I].
- Support custom field storage in the nChronos statistics table [Phase II].
- Support custom field storage in the nChronos statistics table [Phase III].
- Add RTT-related indicators in the general link link and all sub-link links.
- Black box function to collect some system information of the equipment under abnormal conditions [Phase I].
- Port the login verification information to authManager.
- Provide custom protocol update interface.
- Support log level setting and some memory debugging tools.
- Authorization process is separate and license is proposed first.
- DNS field resolution statistics requirements.
- When the traceback is newly installed or upgraded, the csxfs version and the data storage space writing overload should be checked and prompted.
- Solve the problem of data failure of API call data faliure from nChronos.
- Add the option of unknown network segment to the configuration endpoint of network segment and inter-segment alert.
- Add TCP segment loss rate and TCP segment loss packet fields to the service port table.
- Support statistics on Oracle database login access behavior.
- Support UPM to send kerberos authentication file for kafka configuration in nChronos.
- When analyzing the backtracking of virtual network statistics, the virtual network identifier is not used as a filtering condition when analyzing the backtracking object.
- Support transaction resolution of cache database.
- Interface sub-link does not support interface statistics alerts.
- Support high concurrent data forwarding for transaction parsing data.
- Support the identification and analysis of fragmented packets.
- Support user + terminal IP to restrict login.
- Timed reconnection mechanism should be available even after the failure of authentication of the nChronos connection upm.
- Console packet download permission control.
- Add arp, broadcast, multicast packet count and other fields in the virtual network statistics table.
- Add fields for displaying virtual network type in the service access table.
- The admin page of the web configuration interface of the traceback server needs to be Englishized.
- Support field trimming in nChronos to improve the performance of comprehensive analysis, processing and query of products.
- Support ARP log parsing and pushing.
- Default statistics for multiple virtual network types in nChronos.
- Enhance feature alert function, support multiple feature logic combination and context detection.
- Support custom protocol and protocol identification.
- Optimize the algorithm of IPID and SEQ in TCP sessions.
- Internal optimization - the application layer ensures that the memory submitted by the bottom layer for storing packets is not modified as much as possible.
- Optimization of DNS transaction success rate algorithm.
- Optimization of VLAN sub-link session count algorithm.
- Kafka data push optimization to solve the problem of broken flow.
- Optimize the number of backtracking active sessions, the total number of sessions, and the algorithm for building link-related metrics.
Bug Fixed:
- dpifilter causes crassd process crashes (occurs once).
- csrassd process crashes (occurs once)
- tcpapp process crash (occurred once)
- Memory consumption is high with more than 50 links.
- The number of alarms in the report generated by netflow segment sub-link alarms does not match the number of alarms shown in the statistics table.
- Decode process crashes, due to failure to create thread pool.
- The server kernel CPU usage is high when the transaction plug-in is turned on.
- The syscpu of the query core is occasionally higher when the blocking function is turned on.
- Multi-process-apitest sends XML configuration to non-corresponding types, and some types return successful operation.
- Packet loss of the capture card occurs after stopping and starting the link
- Multiple links specify the same storage partition, stopping one link will cause the other links to lose data - historical version extension bug
- Using memory detection tools to start query process, query process crashes (3 times).
Aug, 2022-Colasoft nChronos v6.3.0
New Features:
- Support Oracle, DB2, mysql (sqlcode ) decode and calculate analysis
- Support jflow analysis
- Support IP session table, point 1 shows the intranet address, point 2 shows external address
- Support message body 2 layers decode in VoIP analysis
- Support the QUIC to realize the eigenvalue signiture analysis of such protocols
- Support geneve decode, and create the link by the virtual link of geneve type
- Support to map the "reply code" of DNS transaction
- Support UPM offline suddenly and UPM close the autoSendConfig, nChronos would save the configuration UPM issued
- Support virtual link interface identification and expand the insert length to 20
- Support the console user password is locally encrypted and stored using a secure algorithm
- Support the user login security policy
- Supports the session timeout policy, which can be configured on the interface
- Support to add a communication address list when MAC address decode to IP calculate list
- Support network segment statistics table and summary statistics table Add the peak inbound and outbound network utilization
- Metadata supports data link layer protocol push
- Support millisecond-level analysis of sub-links
- Support to add proxy IP address to nChronos communication protocol
- Support Linux platform secure compilation options control
- Prohibit processes that provide services externally and can be remotely accessed from running as root (or equivalent) authority
- Support to add the TTL minimum times field to the permission IP session table
- Support to extract the return code of DB2 database
- The password must be changed upon the first login to the console and server web configuration pages
- Returns the total number of items retrieved when retrieve
- Multiple processes are implemented according to modules to avoid the whole service crash caused by a single module problem and improve the running stability
- could decode more information for SSL service like certificate and keys
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed problem of VoIP, CPU core usage high, splinlock high
- Data loss caused by an abnormal power failure
- Console report select send immediately, console crash
Feb, 2022-Colasoft nChronos v6.2.2
New Features:
- Support abnormal access activity blocking.
- Support data statistics and analysis for 5 minutes' time bucket.
- Support data compression function based on link.
- Support IBM_MQ protocol transaction decoding.
- Support application binding DNS transaction.
- Support burst alarm for application server.
- Support to define applications based on protocols.
- Add valley value and valley value baseline metrics for link, segment and application.
- Add retransmission packets, retransmission rate, segment lost packets and segment packets rate metrics for DSCP statistics table.
- Optimized IPv6 packets deduplication algorithm.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed problem of inaccurate identification statistics in virtual network statistics.
June, 2021-Colasoft nChronos v6.2
New Features:
- Support no-transaction alarm.
- Support SSL transaction parsing.
- Support sublink alarm.
- Baseline alarm supports continuous trigger count configuration.
- Transaction log supports to export data in json format.
- Virtual interface configuration supports specified identity layer.
- Virtual sublink supports segment statistics.
- Segment sublink supports TCP conversation and UDP conversation statistics.
- Add IPv4 and IPv6 traffic statistics fields.
- Add HTTPS, POP3_SSL, SMTP_SSL packets truncating rules.
- Optimized burst alarm algorithm.
- Optimized max. response time and avg. response time algorithm.
- Metric value corresponding to each alarm time bucket is added to alarm log.
- QType field in DNS transaction analysis is mapped to a specific type.
Bug Fixed:
- Repair name list distribution would fail.
- ICMP field statistics were inaccurate.
- Identification of IP geolocation was inaccurate.
November, 2020-Colasoft nChronos v6.1
New Features:
- Support PPPoE protocol decoding.
- Support sFlow link type.
- Support SRv6 SRH recognition.
- Support storing link data for each link in different disk partitions.
- Support query based on custom signatures and alarm rules.
- Segment sublink supports bandwidth settings.
- Add utilization metric for MAC address statistics views.
- Add TCP segment loss rate and TCP retransmission rate metrics for IP statistics views.
- TCP conversation start time, end time and duration support nanosecond.
- Add signature formats to signature alarm rule.
- Optimize algorithm of transaction count, response timeout proportion and ACK delay.
- Syslog sending supports GBK encoding.
- API interface supports mutual authentication based on SSL certificate.
- Optimize recognition of application layer protocols under netflow links.
Bug Fixed:
- MPLS VPN labels and IPv6 labels in name table were not recognized.
- Connection failure count in application statistics view was inaccurate.
June, 2020-Colasoft nChronos v6.0
New Features:
- Packets can be truncated based on applications, protocols, VLAN/VPN tags.
- Abnormal access alarm supports MAC address.
- Console configurations can be migrated.
- TCP long connection can be identified.
- No-traffic alarm is added for links, network segments, applications, and IPs.
- Add version configuration for NetFlow interface configuration.
- Add ICMP packet loss Rate for link analysis.
- Add reset rate, response rate and no response rate for application analysis.
- Add transactions per second peak and transactions per second peak baseline for transaction analysis.
- Optimize server side identification rule.
- Optimize performance of data retrieval.
- Optimize metric baseline algorithm.
- Abnormal access alarm supports alarm inhibition.
- FTP protocol identification supports FTP_CTRL and FTP_DATA types.
Bug Fixed:
- Inaccurate ICMP packets statistics.
- Virtual interface display error on configuration page.
August, 2019-Colasoft nChronos v5.6
New Features:
- Physical address supports virtual interface configuration.
- KAFKA interface support.
- Traffic alarms support setting metric key value.
- Add burst alarm type.
- Netflow v1, v7 and Netstream v5, v9 support.
- Add a port statistical table.
- Automatic configuration backup.
- Add new metrics, including bps 95p peak, client IP quantity, slow connections and 0 window delay.
- Custom application analysis and application alarm for Netflow traffic.
- Add Netflow interface statistical table and name table.
- Analyzing TCP conversations in new window is now available.
- Add drilldown for transaction alarm.
- Add sublinks for VLAN, VXLAN, MPLS VPN, ISL VLAN and network segment.
- Add custom analysis in new window.
- Add statistical fields to IP Address, IP Conversation, and Application view.
- Add 1-minute baseline for links and applications on two metrics, total conversations and new conversations.
- Display interface type for virtual network statistics when network link type is one-way traffic mirroring.
- DPDK port can be allocated with an IP address.
- Agent supports virtual interface configuration.
- Virtual network statistics support multi-layer ID identification.
- Web application supports path configuration.
- VoIP conversation adds statistics for keep-alive packets.
- Add TOS and TOS description for DSCP statistics table.
- Display link running status on Console.
- Network segment statistics are available for transaction statistics drilldown.
- Optimize VoIP flow type and encoding.
- VoIP conversation statistics support sub-node sorting.
- The Port statistical table is modified as Service Port statistical table.
- The segment-segment statistical table supports analysis in new window.
- Single VoIP conversation flow supports analysis in new window.
- Optimize the algorithm of bps for VoIP conversation, IP conversation and UDP conversation.
- Optimize Netflow virtual interface configuration.
- VLAN, VXLAN and MPLS VPN merge together as virtual network.
- System network segment can be enabled or disabled.
- The metrics in trend charts can be hidden for analysis in new window of single object.
- Add a utilization trend chart for analysis in new window of virtual network objects.
- Optimize Agent threading model.
- Optimize performance self-adaption.
- Increase the number of objects to be analyzed in new window to 30.
- Transaction alarm configuration supports setting trigger dimension.
- The trigger condition of Traffic Alarm supports range entry and multiple entries.
- nChronos Console supports 64-bit operating systems.
- Optimize the default fields on IP Address view and IP Conversation view for Netflow links and one-way traffic mirroring links.
- Optimize data push policy.
- Modify agent service name as "csagent".
Bug Fixed:
- White lists didn't work when black and white lists exist at the same time.
- nChronos Server cannot be accessed from web when the IP address of management port is modified.
- nChronos server may crash when UPM retrieves and downloads packets.
- 1-minute data push was delayed.
April, 2018-Colasoft nChronos v5.4
New Features:
- VoIP analysis.
- DNS transaction analysis.
- ICMP conversation delay analysis.
- Link group.
- NetFlow supports IPFIX protocol.
- Restful API function is provided.
- Import and export the files in Domain Alarms.
- NetFlow interface supports unidirection traffic statistics.
- When nChronos doesn't capture the network traffic, system alarm will be triggered..
- Improve statistics fields of algorithm for TCP business..
October, 2017-Colasoft nChronos v5.3
New Features:
- Provide Server Status Monitor to display server status, including CPU, memory and storage usage.
- Supports NetFlow analysis to collect network traffic information.
- Provides a traffic forwarding Agent analysis feature.
- Provides Multi-Segment Analysis function for TCP conversations.
- Provides transaction definition and analysis based on database.
- Reports can be scheduled as pdf format.
- nChronos can be upgraded from Analysis Center.
- Built-in system alarms are provided.
- Web applications and signature applications can be defined based on IP + port.
- HTTP transaction definition is optimized.
- Users can specify the data type to be exported automatically.
- 90P baseline and related alarms are provided.
October, 2016-Colasoft nChronos v5.2
New Features:
- Network segments can be grouped.
- A Network Segment Group view is added for link analysis and application performance analysis.
- Applications can be grouped.
- An Application Group view is added to display the statistics based on application groups.
- Added baseline analysis feature.
- Added baseline alarm.
- Added blacklist alarm and whitelist alarm.
- DSCP virtual interface statistics are supported.
- Added client access control list.
- LDAP authentication and Radius authentication are supported.
- Added user privilege management.
- TCP transaction analysis is provided.
- nChronos Console display style can be switched between classic style and dark style.
- Virtual interfaces can be specified to identify IP layer.
- Added recognition for Trill protocol.
- New fields are added for application performance analysis.
- An option is provided on the Web Portal to turn on/off the original packet length analysis for truncated packets.
- Segment-segment statistics are optimized.
- Traffic alarm can be defined based on the traffic statistics between segments.
- CentOS 7.1 is supported.
Bug Fixed:
- Traffic alarm statistics are occasionally inaccurate.
- Client drilldown data is occasionally inaccurate for application performance analysis.
- Some applications are occasionally t not identified.
- Multiple download tasks cannot be simultaneously performed occasionally.
April, 2016-Colasoft nChronos v5.1
New Features:
- Packet files can be replayed.
- IP segment based virtual interfaces support.
- Packets of user-defined applications can be stored with truncated length.
- Truncated packets can be analyzed with original length.
- DPDK support.
- System monitor information can be sent as syslog.
- VXLan protocol support
- A VXLan statistical view is provided
- nChronos service can be restarted on nChronos Server web page
- Data combination is optimized and the performance is improved.
- New statistical fields are added.
- Statistical data query efficiency is optimized.
Bug Fixed:
- Inaccurate packet download progress.
- NTP synchronization cannot take effect.
- Occasional activation failure.
- Performance will be affected upon exporting statistical data.
December, 2015-Colasoft nChronos v5.0
New Features:
- Add Statistics Between Segments tab in the Link Analysis view.
- Support customized field in the Reports view.
- Add Advanced Filter in the Link Analysis view.
- Support quick report generation in the Link Analysis view.
- Graphs can be displayed and exported in the Link Analysis view.
- Support View Management. Users can choose to display or hide the views as well as set displaying orders.
- Support hiding and dragging the tabs in the Link Analysis view.
- Support setting valid time range for alarms.
- Support adding multiple statistics records to an application at the same time.
- Every filed in the Link Analysis view can be set as alarm condition.
Bug Fixed:
- Abnormal data display in the reports.
- Server instability when testing email server.
- nChronos Server restart failure after manual time synchronization of it.
- No-response of nChronos Console after deleting the analysis task in the Manage Downloads and Expert Analysis window.
November, 2014-Colasoft nChronos v4.3
New Features:
- Multi-segment analysis is available.
- Adds a VLAN view.
- Adds a MPLS VPN view.
- Adds a Service Access view.
- Adds a Port view.
- Standard Applications can be quickly created from the Port view.
- Addresses can be quickly added to name table.
- Statistics for application performance analysis trend charts can be exported.
- Drilling an IP address down to a MAC address is now available.
- Millisecond-level traffic statistics and alarms for network links are now available.
- Application transaction alarms and application transaction alarm logs are now available.
- Storage filter is available and packets can be stored with specified length.
- Name table and network segment settings can be exported and imported in .csv format.
- Configuring uplink and downlink bandwidth for network segments is now available and alarms can be defined based on segment bandwidth utilization.
- Alarm logs can be sent to any specified email recipients.
- Downloading packets from multiple network links is now available.
- Discarding duplicated packets is now available.
- Combination analysis for IPv4 and IPv6 is now available.
- Packet size distribution statistics for applications is now available.
- Shortcut portal is now available on the Start Page.
- The packets can now be stamped with switch time.
- Display filter based on alarm severity is now available for alarm views.
- The display filter is optimized.
- Adds a column on the Network Link page for displaying the real-time link traffic.
- The traffic statistical method for TCP/UDP conversations is optimized.
- SMTP settings are optimized.
- The switch of Time Window is optimized.
- The Report window is optimized.
- Applications in predefined library can be disabled/enabled.
- Activation Wizard is optimized.
- 7,000 Mbps real-time capture and analysis performance is now available.
- The Summary view is optimized by graphically displaying the statistics.
- Alarm definition is optimized by adding alarm creator and alarm create time.
- More than 20 trigger parameters are added for application alarms.
- Adds statistical parameters for applications, such as TCP window size, two-way ACK delay for TCP conversations, and client idle time.
Bug Fixed:
- Console vulnerability during replaying packets.
- Console vulnerability upon querying transaction logs of more than 2MB.
- Console vulnerability or download speed of 0bps when downloading packets from large time window.
November, 2013-Colasoft nChronos v4.1
New Features:
- Provides system reports and report modules.
- Users can define hourly reports, daily reports, weekly reports, and monthly reports.
- Application transaction content can be analyzed and saved.
- Drilldown analysis is available for domain alarms.
- Traffic alarms can be defined based on network segment.
- The downloads management interface is optimized.
- The link properties import interface is optimized, and users can specify which items to be imported.
- 24 new trigger conditions are added for traffic alarms.
- The query policy for TCP and UDP conversations is optimized, and queries start from the end of selected duration with the query length of 600 seconds.
- The settings on Server Administration Portal are classified.
- The notification settings interface is optimized, and the SMTP settings are separated from recipient addresses.
- The statistics query speed is improved.
Bug Fixed:
- nChronos Server instability due to queries of lots of alarm logs is fixed.
- nChronos Console instability due to drilldown queries is fixed.
- nChronos Console instability due to the refresh of the Application Monitor window and Application Performance Analysis window is fixed.
- nChronos Console crash due to the save of more than top 1000 statistical items.
- Packet files cannot be replayed or cannot be replayed partly.
- There are sometimes no statistics on the analysis views under 1-Hour Window.
- There are sometimes no statistics on the analysis views under 10-Day Window.
June, 2013-Colasoft nChronos v4.0
New Features:
- nChronos Console
Real-time status monitor of customized applications.
Performance analysis of customized applications.
Adds transaction analysis of HTTP-based web applications.
Transaction logs are added to display transaction details.
Alarms on applications can be defined now.
You can define fields for any custom applications.
A Top Segments pane is provided to display the instant traffic of defined network segments.
The properties of a network link can be exported and imported.
Multiple packet files can be replayed simultaneously.
You can now reactivate an nChronos Server by an nChronos Console.
Added Custom Reporting capability for individual nodes within the Node Explorer of Expert Analyzer.
The network connection speed between nChronos Server and nChronos Console can be tested.
- nChronos Server
Added IPv6 analysis.
A Service Manager is provided to manage the service for nChronos Server.
nChronos Server can be activated by a Service Manager or by an nChronos Console.
A user type of auditor is added to dedicatedly view the audit logs.
You can now allocate the storage space to statistics, packets, alarm logs, and transaction logs as required.
You can now set the date and time manually by setting the time zone or synchronize the time with an Internet time server.
A predefined library function is provided to import predefined system applications and signature alarms.
Configurations of nChronos Server can be saved for further use.
Configurations of nChronos Server can be imported.
- nChronos Console
Customized applications consist of Standard Applications, Web Applications, and Signature Applications.
Trend charts on the real-time window are optimized that you can view several types of trend charts simultaneously.
The Top Hosts pane and the Top Applications pane each provide an up-to-the-second display of top items as well as the traffic of each item and a pie chart to show the bandwidth utilization of the top items.
The settings about an nChronos Server are moved to the Server side to be configured, while nChronos Console only keeps the settings about a network link.
Packet library function is improved so that you can now manage the packet files more flexibly.
You can now directly replay packet files without adding them to a packet library.
The security policy is optimized with locking an IP address instead of a user account when triggering the thresholds.
- nChronos Server
Supports 64-bit operating system.
2000Mbps of processing capability.
Optimized security policy. The IP address having a count exceeding the number of failed logon attempts will be locked out, instead of the user account.
August, 2012-Colasoft nChronos v3.1
New Features:
- nChronos Console
40-Day Time Window is now available for much longer traffic trends display and analysis.
You can now get real-time key traffic statistics and charts, such as throughput, Top IP talkers and Top application talkers, to understand what are consuming the bandwidth.
You can view statistics by network segments, groups and VLAN's, and filter data by segments.
Statistic data now can be exported to .csv files, and be used by other applications to generate reports.
You can now highlight the objects, such as applications, IP addresses, MAC addresses and network segments, and view their data in a new window to eliminate interference from irrelevant data of other objects.
nChronos can now monitor sensitive words that you specify in email title and/or content. An email alarm will be triggered when a keyword is found in an email.
You can now use domain alarms to monitor the web visit activities to certain domains, URLs and IP addresses.
You can now use signature alarms to build complicated rules to detect anomalies in TCP/UDP flow, bit by bit, an advanced function for senior professionals to detect new computer virus and attacking, etc.
- nChronos Server
You can now define network segments to get statistics for each network segment or VLAN.
- Expert Analyzer
You can now choose analysis profile and configure the analyzer while starting the built-in analyzer to perform deep-packet-inspection and forensics analysis.
The views of the built-in analyzer add searching function which allows you to enter keywords as filters to hide irrelevant data.
- You can now add new report with user-defined name and optional statistic items.
- Packets can be highlighted and noted.
- The Start Page is redesigned to show more information to help you get started, and understand the new features of nChronos.
- Packets download function works more accurately and more flexible options are available.
- The built-in analyzer works more smoothly with nChronos server when it's started to receive packet data from the server.
- The search function in views remembers the keywords that you used, and searching with multiple keywords is also available.
- Traffic Alarm is enhanced with advanced options for building complicated rules to monitor traffic pattern.
- The Alarm view shows more types of alarms and more options to filter and organize alarm events.
- The Ribbon on the built-in analyzer, other than original Capsa network analyzer, is simplified, and unnecessary icons are removed.
Bug Fixed:
- Packet download is unstable and could consume excessive resources on an nChronos server.
- Statistic views display wrong data sometimes.
- Packets could appear twice while using multiple NICs to capture packets.
- A value for analysis object could crash the built-in analyzer.
August, 2011-Colasoft nChronos v3.0
New Features:
- High packet capture performance
nChronos supports capturing and analyzing packets on 10M/100M/1000M networks at line speed, and support capturing from multi-NICs to aggregate network traffic. - Massive data storage
>nChronos provides massive data collection and store from 2TB to unlimited space (edition differences), recording the network traffic for days, weeks or even months. - Distributed deployment and centralized remote management
nChronos server software can be installed and deployed on multi-locations of critical links for long-term and real-time traffic monitoring. nChronos console software can be installed and deployed at remote or local network to connect and manage nChronos servers. - Visualized traffic history trend charts
nChronos displays traffic history trend charts with flexible time granularity of one second to one hour, helps view the traffic pattern at any time span and rapidly retrieve anomaly traffic. There are four types of traffic history charts available:
1) Traffic volume (Outbound/Inbound/Internal/Other traffic)
2) Packets (Outbound/Inbound/Internal/Other packet count)
3) TCP traffic analysis (TCP SYN/TCP SYN-ACK/TCP RST packet count)
4) Traffic utilization (Inbound/Outbound)
- Retrospectively analyze the historical traffic
nChronos rewinds the historical traffic efficiently to reproduce previous and transient network problems, helping fast diagnose and resolve the difficult network problems. Users can select and view the historical traffic by:
1) User-defined Time Window
2) Time Span selector
3) Downloading and storing the historical packets with nChronos Analyzer
4) Downloading and analyzing packets with Expert Analyzer
5) Packet file library replay
- Data mining
nChronos provides high-performance data mining technology based on time and network objects, helping users to drill-down the interesting traffic from multi-dimension and multi-layers by:
1) Time range
2) Applications
3) IP address
4) Physical address
5) IP conversation
6) Physical conversation
- Customized network application
nChronos supports hundreds of network applications. Moreover, users can define a network application by:
1) IP address/IP address range
2) Port number/port number range
3) The combination of above two types
- User-defined alarm settings
nChronos provides user-defined alarm settings. User can customize the conditions to trigger or clear alarms, to create, edit, or delete alarms. User can also setup alarms log sending to a designated Syslog server or an email address. - Name tables
nChronos can create aliases for IP nodes and MAC nodes for effective management and analysis. - Network links management
nChronos can configure and manage multi links, providing network data collecting and analyzing for critical network links. - User account management
nChronos provides management of user accounts and privileges. Administrator account and user account are offered different level of privileges for security reason.