Keeping path with the growth of business sizes and dependency on network, network structure complexity and network performance demand increase dramatically. Using network analysis tools to decrease network problem resolution time becomes one of the most important factors that network administrators to consider. In enterprise networks, especially those highly dependent on networks, minutes - even seconds - of downtime will quickly result into thousands of dollars lost. For network administrators of these networks, to recreate, analyze and troubleshoot network issues is a hard and time-consuming project, not to mention the issues happens occasionally. Fast retrospective troubleshooting and analyzing historical network issues on mission-critical network links is highly required more than ever.
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One of the biggest issues emerging in 2013 is the ever increasing corporate risk from cyber-crime and cyber-attacks. The threat of cyber-crime and cyber-attacks has grown so rapidly that even the general public is familiar with terms like: cyber-crime, cyber-attacks, cyber weapons, cyber espionage, cyber warfare and hactivism.
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With rapid growth and evolution of enterprises and their networks, it is common to have branch offices in other cities or even countries, so core business increasingly relies on Internal (LAN) Networks linked by the Internet (WAN). There are more infrastructure components and more user and administration applications running on our network simultaneously, and it is proving increasingly difficult to deal with network issues in traditional (manual investigation) ways. Expert network engineers are too expensive to send (fly typically - with productivity and carbon and travel expense costs) onsite to where the problem has occurred. Far better to keep the analysis and expertise centralized and use systems to gather and assist diagnosis for remote action to be taken.
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Imaging when network problems happen without any network professionals nearby, great loss may be caused and if we cannot pinpoint the source of the problem in time, it is quite possible that we may suffer more. Definitely we cannot afford reproducing the realistic network environment, but is there a network tool we can use to capture, record and store all network data without any packet loss so that we can easily go back in time and conduct post event network analysis. What happened? How did it happen? What consequences were it bring? How to fix it? All these questions can be answered now.
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nChronos is the retrospective network analysis product of Colasoft. Using a unique, appliance-centric approach for network forensics, nChronos simplifies and expedites root cause identification. The nChronos is a best-in-class product that records network traffic, then indexes and categorizes the data. It lets you rewind and review the events and background information to extract the data you need.
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Nowadays, enterprises, especially IT business companies, are highly concentrated on anti-spyware (Refer CSI Computer Crime & Security Survey). We can surely infer the need of securing private information/data. The research of InformationWeek Analytic 2009 said the motive for monitor - "detecting potential leakage of sensitive data", grows from 42% (2008) to 53% (2009). The trends told us how much they care about protecting sensitive data.
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Along with the information technology evolves, different new types of applications are introduced to enterprises, organizations. These new app like online webcast, real-time stream media, VoIP, brought added value to network, but as the same time they occupied lots of traffic and bring huge burden to the IT infrastructure. The IT managers worried about whether their network can still function properly when there are too many applications overloaded the infrastructure.
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The misbehaviors in security management are always "did not do the right thing" or "did not do it correctly". But trace back to the root, the main reason appears to be a single expression - not enough understanding about your system. Actually good security policies are defined based on proper Threat Identification, Asset Identification at the first place, while the identification process requires a clear vision of how IT system works.
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The modern network environment is getting more and more complex due to the rapid increase of using IT system, and different types of industries, enterprises all have IT to support their business. While different business trenches their demands and funds for Information Technology, more and more various technology and applications are involved into the modern network, and unexpected errors may happen during these overlapped technology instances: routing mechanisms, fault tolerant configurations, firewall policies, integrated 3G gateway, Wi-Fi frequency, endpoint health, management software etc. Each technology units could be a fault point and any unit encounters an error will absolutely cause unforeseen effect to other units, and then consequently result in a series of troubles in your network.
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Technology is evolving along with the needs for business. New technologies, new applications, new hardware devices, new processes and new concepts have been introduced into IT systems. Therefore, a static IT environment does not exist - there are always be new friends coming into our company and if you don't practice due care obligation and detect any potential followed impact, they bring you surprises sometimes.
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Industry Specification Solution


To be more effective, and provide better public services level, government agencies and departments are rapidly involved into the information world. Documents, signature files, social security numbers, and classified information, many different kinds of materials in these facilities are transformed into digital bytes. Up with the growing demands from inside users and the evolving technology bring up hacking/attacking incidents, government departments are searching for better solution that can help them with its vertical industry issues.
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Network technology training and education are hot topics during the quite evolution of information technology. More and more IT talents are needed in the daily IT involved world.
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Outsourcing industry centralized the busywork of network maintenance for SMB companies. They have the best resource of tech talents like senior consultants, engineers with rich experience and highly trained tech skills. They periodically or on demand offer services to clients.
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